Ever since I was a kid or let’s just say for as long as I can remember, I have been in love with animals. I have always wanted to make a connection with them or at least try and understand them whether it’s their lifestyle or behavior. I have always formed a strange connection with animals whom I have crossed while walking on the road or meeting them at someone’s house. I have come across many such situations where I have never seen that dog or cat but it feels like I have known them forever and if I notice them or not, they come up to me from nowhere. Such kind of a feeling cannot be explained it's something you can feel very strongly and yet fail to express that feeling orally or face a lot of difficulties writing it down.
I have always wanted to help them, and I have helped at least 4 birds yet. Although 1 did not make it back then, I did not know what to do all I knew was that I have to help the poor bird in some way or the other but failed miserably at it, and I always made myself feel responsible for it. I always blame myself for the death of that poor, innocent, voice-less animal and I believe somewhere in my heart that I could have saved the bird only if I had known the right way.
Moving on, I have always dreamt of saving animals, being their voice, giving them the life they deserve. But I cannot do anything as of now, soon I will bring a change in this society to treat all living beings equally, whether they are human beings or animals.
For now, I will be stopping right here and will come back with a new blog till then stay tuned and enjoy reading this one. Don't forget to introduce yourself on the forum page.